Not ever Again!

Yes Ma’am, thanks for being known to me,
Thanks for telling there’s no road to see,
Thank you for being a well wisher,
But don’t expect any good wish from me,

Never again will I be able to trust,
Won’t wish faith after seeing the worst,
Never again will I dare to love someone,
Never to river will I speak of thirst,

Never again will I believe teary eyes,
All the truths shall appear now lies,
It is being too tough to break away,
Never again will I bind such rustic ties,

Because of you, I will never be the same,
I know your accusations want go in vain,
Beat your breast and wail I have changed!
Gain all pity, exhibit your disdain,

Never again will the sun set for me,
No waves shall appear on the sea’s face,
In my world it will not rain again,
Never again will a love season be,

These sad eyes will for some days cry,
At the end of this rain they will be dry,
Never again will I feel anyone’s pain,
Never again will I feel true a sigh,

Never again true emotions I will say,
Never thought I would be punished this way,
Not again will I appreciate honesty,
Call me dishonest or what you may,

Don’t write to me on parchments plain,
Don’t make your words act as if in pain,
I am a liar and all world seems a liar to me,
You think I will believe? Believe again?

From My Poems: Twenty Ten

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