As this night is of counting favors,
Let me calculate my benefits.
You think I am unaware,

Those letters in the last drawer,
Proofs of your fidelity,
I read them too,
The dance of your pen,
That poetic taste,

That spot on your sleeve,
I know what it is,
I am familiar with cleaning clothes,
I have used lipsticks too,

Your startling at my observations,
The lines of fear on your forehead
At some of my jokes,

That first time when
Your blessed hand pained me,
The redness of my cheeks
Urged me, but I kept calm,

Caught lies, yet argued not,
Bore accusations, said nothing,
My steadfastness held me
And you thought I have no voice,
A slap is easy for me as well,
Isn’t there strength in me too?

Shaken faith, broken vase, hurt heart,
Heaven knows how long this relation
Will stable be,

Today, too, I must have been quiet,
Must have bore much yet,
But this anger is my astonishment.
How could you dare to say,
I am a burden on you?

From My Poems: HERO

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