Forever Thine

Forever Thine,’ she sang all the time,
At each meet we had to chat and dine,
In all fake speeches, each damned letter,
The end was always, ‘Forever Thine,’

Thou, that forsaken tomb of love,
How unabashed, could utter the words!
You, who is seen in arms defamed,
You, that feeds other flock, other birds,

Her bogus words now give testimony,
How she loved! How I betrayed!
And the world that used to be of truth,
Believeth those lips, female, red,

Thou! Now cloaked in a decent name,
The world you gain, but I am thy loss,
Thou shall weep blood in my memory,
The day your skin loseth its gloss,

‘Forever Thine,’ I say to you not,
But promise to love every hour I live,
It matters not if you love no more,
It matters not if you disbelieve,
Unlike thou, I am not a soothsayer,
I know nothing of the moment hence,
But one thing for a fact, I do know,
True love knocks not but once.

From My Poems: Twenty Ten

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