It’s a girl, the doctor declared,
I still remember the day, the hospital bed,
I was enveloped by apprehensions,
Fear, love, joy mixed with tension,
Since that day, till now, today,
Each decision of yours took my breath away,
From the moment you leave, till the time you return
I had no relief, each day, every one,

Such were those days but anyhow,
You are leaving today, and I say now,
You fared well as a daughter,
Though unknown is my score as a father,
Hope I have done a satisfactory job,
Knocked each time, before moving the knob,
Gave all the privacy I can, trusted you,
Loved you always though often hurt you,

I wonder how fast you grew up,
As if just a day before you were in my lap,
I am confusing you, talking of here and there,
Now that you are goin alone, take care,
May God bless you happiness galore,
Ignore all that I said before,

Goodbye! Oh precious piece of my heart,
My sweet child, my end, my start.

From my Poems: HERO

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