
The color of my skin,
The color of your thought,
The luster of my being,
Your imagination’s drought,

Yes I am black, God made me so,
And I am grateful, even though,
You tease me or treat me bad,
Assault me in fury like mad,

Do not I breathe? Am I dead?
Don’t my children deserve a life?
Why, O why, you call me names?
Why you shame me before my wife?

Look at me, I am your brother,
Look within, ignore the leather,
Do not point out at God’s creation,
His artistry is beyond imagination,

Wipe my tears, laugh with me,
Beneath this skin is a human,
I am like you, you are like me,
We are one family, one nation,

I am not a nigger, I have a name,
I am someone, have some shame,
I am an equal, not high nor low,
I am black, God made me so.

From My Poems: Twenty Ten

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