In the Prostitute

The devil within me woke
My evil soul requested me,
To quench my thirst,
To go to the prostitute,

I went there with respect,
To rob someone else’s honor,
I was taken to a room,
A girl from where I had to choose,

At last a female was chosen,
With whom I went in a room,
On the girl’s face, I noticed,
Her life’s and pain’s gloom,

I took her hands
And saw in her eyes,
The love of a daughter,
The face of my sister rise,

As I was to release her clothes,
Buried deep my conscience woke,
‘O ye man, who is rich,
Don’t nature’s fury do provoke,

For in her clothes she clad,
The prestige of a woman,
A body same as thy mother,
And of other women of your clan,’

I withdrew my hand,
Got up from the bed,
Wrapped a bed sheet around her,
With shame bowed my head,

I ran out of the building,
Where a woman’s honor was sold,
Never again will I be here,
Thus to my heart I told.

Today I am free from diseases,
From Satan refuge I sought,
Because I respected women,
Because I feared God.

From My Poems: Twenty Ten

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