I may be a liar,
But the truth is,
That I had loved you
And always will,

You may forget me,
As a dream or a lie,
But there will regret be,
In your heart,

I denied my dears,
All just for ye,
You were but dishonest,
To leave me in the way,

Your heart was not stable,
For you to love one,
Or I was not able,
By riches or by love,

As you often called me,
I would be a fraud,
Or would be a mad poet,
As people did called,

Or you may right be,
You too may have loved,
Then breaking of our love,
would be the Order of God,

I could’nt but forget you,
as an age or time gone,
Because my love is only one,
And you are that one,

Don’t be discouraged,
For with ye I am not,
To us He did all good,
Thank God for the lot,

It must have been better,
For us to be apart,
I said not all this,
Said this my heart.

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