Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

The soil you are born in,
is your Mother.
Service to your mother
is engraved on the 
grains of your self.

- Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

The Myth of your Love
and Titanic words, has
been wrapped in a sheet
of shit and thrown out 
of the cabinet of 
my memory.

- Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

My sweet little moon,
what will you do
that night when it
becomes impossible to hide.

- Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

Quotes Aftab Yusuf Shaikh

"Don't set yourself on fire 
to keep others warm. 
if at all, 
do it to shed light."

- Aftab Yusuf Shaikh