Nobody believed the desert flower will ever come to being. 

Nobody believed in miracles anymore. 
All hopes reduced to zilch.
The harsh winters had ruined all dreams of a spring. 

Hardly had anyone seen the enriching rays of the Sun for months.
But one evening of English summers, the Sun came back to life.
As the Sun kissed the zephyr, 

the desert flower rises up from the dust, 
all the fragrance of the flowers is renewed.



I had three guests last night in my dream. 
Three men with the same name, 'X.' 
They told me they were pieces of me 
I have kept hidden within. 
Not looking at each other in the eye, 
they appeared like estranged brothers.
Mr. X1 came from some land called Hope. 

He wished to stay with me till I died.
Mr. X2 was a limping lame man, 

who proudly announces he is the trust I have in people.
Mr. X3 was from some island called love. 

He demanded I bleed all life.



As I sprinkle some salt on the open cut, 

I think of you. I think of the way 
I graduated from your idea of a perfect man 
to becoming a bad person. 
Then came worser and finally, worst. 
Why do I think of you at every wound? 

Was it not you who came to heal me? 
Was it not you who wished to take away all the pains? 
Then what happened? Something happened. 
Where is the promise, the love, the pain? 
It all was. It all, my darling, 



Suddenly one day, 
he felt she was flowing away from me. 
He had no explanation for this idea 
but this mere thought caused his days 
to burn and nights to bleed.
He saw things 

where like others she walked away from him 
and that too without remorse. 
He, left alone to love and suffer.
By general agreement 

I hate you meant I love you. 
Nobody discussed what the opposite will mean. 
And then one day after years, 
she said, 'I don't hate you anymore!'



When I was too small for algebra and geometry, 

I used to study fantasy. 
I dreamed of a world full of peace and love and compassion. 
I learnt about other such fake creatures. 
Like trust, the unicorn, the phoenix, a true love. 
Then I grew up and here I am, 

in a world full of imaginary people. 
They think one thing and speak the other. 
Feel one thing and act otherwise. 
All brass vessels trying their hardest best to look like gold. 
As if, being of brass is not enough. 
My childhood searched for a unicorn. 
And now I see everyone one horned being so sweet, 
their wings of ego flying in the air.



They say, over thinking is bad for the health of a happy heart. 

It seems you have thought too much about me 
and now this is ruining the joy that once resided in your heart.
I am an injured bird and I may never help you fly. 

On the other hand, I may be a hindrance for your flight. 
All the England and Russia and Persia of your dreams may forever rot in your wishes. 
Fly away, leave me behind, and don't even think of me. 
I know my very thought is a torture to your soul.



Like a pimple you cannot hide, 

my love had become an irritation to you. 
You, granting licences to all and sundry, 
while drawing boundaries for me. 
You, dung-heads think a falling star can grant you wishes. 
You, who called me life. 
You, thought this love was all prayers and no efforts? 
Now, selfishness is a virtue and heartlessness a blessing.
The love I held for you, 

went up the Hill of Silence and jumped off. 
It died and along with it, you died.


Remember the rage of rivers. 
How villages raped the water day after day, 
season after season annd then the river decides to pay back. 
One furious night and everything washed away. 
The village, the men and  the manufactured gods.
A river will leave the dead planets of  

my eyes and the pain that flows out will drown you. 
You should remember 
that I will remember you and as long as I remember you, 
I shall hate you. Remember the rage of rivers.